Club Smith // Promo Shoot

04 March 11

Posted at 5:44

A few weeks back I did some promo's with a great Leeds/York based band called Club Smith... We ended up having quite an adventure and visiting some rather odd locations! 

pool low

Like Tadcaster swimming pool...

bear port

And a really really old secret library in York Museum... That had a bear in a top hat in it!

Pool Squares

The guys were a pleasure to work with and pretty much everything went according to plan which was nice. I was really surprised that the people at the swimming pool were ok with this but they were really laid back and said yeah just go for it!

pool velv

Had wait ages for my lenses to un-steam when we got poolside. Shot these with a speedlight sellotaped to and umbrella since taking a battery poolside would have been pretty dangerous.... So my girlfriend Charlotte had to act as a makeshift light and hold the flash above her head for ages!

Bear land

Check out Club Smith HERE!!!

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